It is heartbreaking when your pet goes missing, so since July is National Lost Pet Prevention month, we want to share 5 key reminders on how you can keep your pets safe.
1. Ensure your pets wears collars and I.D. tags
Dogs should wear a collar with a tag. The right collar is snug but not too tight – you should be able to fit two fingers between the collar and their neck without too much of a gap. Pet I.D. tags are available to purchase online or in most pet stores. It’s also your responsibility as their owner to ensure that the contact details on the tag are up to date!
It can be dangerous for cats to wear a collar as they may snag, especially when they are out and about. If you wish to put a collar on your cat, a quick release collar is the safest option to prevent your cat from getting caught or stuck when they are outside.
It’s important for your pets to wear collars and I.D. tags since this will help identify them should they get lost. Pets who wear identification tags are more likely to be returned home safely.
2. Secure your garden and home
Sometimes it may not even cross our minds to double check and make sure our gardens are escape-proof. Our furry friends are adventure seekers and there may be times where they’ll try to sneak out of their homes. Make sure there are no gaps between your fences and gates that are big enough for your pets to fit through and make sure they’re tall enough for them not to jump over. It may be a good idea to also avoid placing garden benches or plant pots nearby fences to prevent pets from using this as a step to jump over.
3. Microchip your pet
Microchipping your pet is a painless and affordable procedure. Should your pet be picked up by someone if they get lost, they can be taken to the vet to scan their microchip and match this with your contact details, so make sure the information in your pet’s microchip is up to date.
4. Teach your dog “come” and “stay”
Obedience training your dog has so many benefits. From teaching them basic commands such as ‘sit’, ‘wait’, ‘here’ and ‘stay’, it’s a lot safer and easier to take your dog out in public. This gives your dog the freedom to do the things they love such as running off lead, greeting friends, family and even strangers while being safe and under control. This will reduce the possibility of your pet getting lost and prevent them from trying to bolt out of an open door or gate on their walkies.
5. Find the right leash
If your dog is more aloof and likes to bolt and run around, investing in a long line lead on their collar to keep them secure is a must. Your fur babies are still very keen and tempted to run away and chase squirrels or cats, so if your dog doesn’t have a strong recall, finding the right leash and keeping them by your side is the safest option to avoid losing them.

We hope these 5 key tips will help you keep your pets safe. It’s important for us as pet owners to ensure we do everything we can to prevent our pets from getting lost. July is one of the busiest months of the year with summer holidays taking place and many people are travelling with their pets. Let’s continue to spread awareness and reduce the number of missing pets each year.