Puppies Socialisation & Behaviour

There are fewer things that bring more smiles to the vet clinic than an owner bringing in their new wiggly happy puppy. It’s an exciting time for families to be adding a furry member, but it can also be overwhelming too! We wish I had an hour to sit down with every family that comes in to go over some truly important puppy topics, but unfortunately that reality is not often possible. Because of this having resources for owners to read/keep has become a must. We’ve included top tips and considerations for socialization/behavior here for new puppy owners!

  • Having a well adjusted puppy takes time and training.
    • Puppies are sweet and curious creatures, but it’s important to remember that dogs don’t magically grow up to be well behaved and easy going. There are many new experiences that puppies will go through that shape the type of dog they eventually become. While it is easy to assume all puppies are mellow and welcoming, some puppies are timid and fearful. Did you know that behavioral problems are one of the number one reasons why dogs are relinquished to shelters or requested to be put to sleep? If you have a puppy at home, you have a wonderful opportunity to help them jump through the hoops towards becoming a well adjusted dog.
  • Puppies experience their primary “learning” and “socialisation” period up to about 12-16 weeks of age. 
    • This means that the optimal window for teaching them how to acclimatize to new situations is before they hit this age. This often surprises owners, but I like to turn this into a plus. This gives us the chance to help puppies become great doggos.
  • Vaccinations vs. Socialization: When is it safe to take my puppy out? 

The answer is, it depends. This question arises because we know the primary socialisation period is prior to 12-16 weeks of age, but puppies have not completed their initial vaccine series to receive disease protection until that age or later. Our answer is to pick safe socialization opportunities, as we should ideally not wait to introduce new experiences. 

What are safe experiences? Just because your puppy is still receiving starting boosters, doesn’t mean you can’t carry them places with you. Carrying them on a short walk or taking them in the car for small trips is a great place to start. They feel safe because they are close to you but can see and smell new things. Another option is playing with dogs of different ages/sizes in a garden that is isolated ie. your back garden. Allowing your puppy to have supervised time with other dogs that are vaccinated, on parasite prevention, and are good with other dogs is a great chance for socialisation. Make sure to watch your puppy’s response to other dogs and stop the interaction if they are becoming overwhelmed/scared. We want to foster positive associations with new friends.

  • Short and sweet is key. 
    • Keeping new experiences short and positive allows for puppies to avoid becoming overwhelmed and stressed. 10-15 minutes can often be enough at one time, though repetition over time is also important. Positive reinforcement for positive behaviors/responses are much easier for puppies to remember and associate with future behaviors. For example, a positive experience with treats and praise is much more likely to lead to repeat behaviors in the future. 
  • Remember that puppies will often be nervous in new situations. 
    • We need to keep in mind that pretty much everything is new to puppies that are weeks to months old, and these things may be scary. Trying to avoid triggers can be helpful to creating a positive experience. For example, being on the floor with your puppy and a new person instead of having them lean over or get into the puppy’s face is a less confrontational way to introduce them. Don’t forget treats! Sounds can also be scary, so exposure to things like cars, vacuums, lawn mowers, washing machines, hair dryers, etc. are useful.
  • Vary the exposure. 
    • The more types of dogs and people your puppy gets exposed to, the easier it will be for them to associate a positive experience with new situations. This particularly comes into play with children. Children are often unpredictable in terms of sounds, smells, and behaviors which can be challenging for puppies to comprehend. Getting puppies used to children is a good way to curb a common dog fear later on in life. It is also essential to teach your children appropriate behavior around dogs! Puppies and children should never be left unsupervised. 
  • Puppy socialization classes can be a real plus.
    • Classes at reputable locations such as vet clinics are a great opportunity for puppies to learn what behaviors towards other dogs are welcome vs. discouraged. Be sure to check what vaccinations and faecal tests are required prior to classes, as safe classes should require vaccinations and a negative faecal to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Don’t forget to make the vet less scary too!
    • Taking your pet to the vet can be stressful for everyone involved, but it doesn’t have to be. This one is tough given our current COVID pandemic, however, trips to the vet’s office to do a quick “say hi and get a treat” without having any treatments done can be extremely helpful to teach puppies that the vet doesn’t have to be a scary place. 
  • Consider training tools to help make a ROUTINE.
    • I often encourage owners to “crate train” their puppy. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a crate/kennel, it can even be a small pen if it’s strong enough to keep them contained. There are a few reasons I am such a fan of crate training:
      • It provides a safe place for your puppy to be unsupervised.
      • It helps create a routine, especially when it comes to potty training. 
      • It creates a trained separation for safe sleeping habits (that being said all of my dogs end up sleeping on our bed later on, who am I kidding). 
    • Puppies are all about routine. The best training protocols rely on creating one that works for you and your puppy then sticking to it. Consistency helps reinforce concepts you are trying to teach, and also helps them retain these faster. This takes some of the uncertainty out of learning for puppies and can relieve stress in new situations. 


Positive rewards for positive behavior/interactions, routine, and consistency win the game here. Exposing your pet to a variety of safe new environments, people, and animals while they are growing is essential to helping them grow into a well adjusted adult dog. 

Dr. Kirsten

Microchipping your pet: What you need to know

Pets with accurate information linked to their microchips are 54% more likely to be reunited with their owners. Microchipped pets should have their owner’s information stored in a database. However, around 1 in 3 pet owners in the UK don’t know which database their pet is registered with, let alone have accurate information stored. We sat down with Petdatabase.com to understand a bit more about microchips and how they can help you keep your information up to date, for free. 

How do microchips work?

A microchip is a small chip, about the size of a grain of rice, that is placed under your pet’s skin as a means of identification if your pet is ever lost. This chip can be scanned to show the chip number. This number can then be looked up on any DEFRA (Department of Environmental, Food, Rural Affairs) compliant database to find the saved owner details. For this reason, a microchip is only as effective as the data that is stored against that chip number. That’s why keeping the information on your pet’s microchip is so important. 

What happens if my pet is lost?

Did your four-legged friend wander off after catching the scent of a fox in the woods? If it happens, they will most likely end up in the care of a vet, warden, or rescue. Here they can scan your pet’s microchip to find out who the owner is. Now, to make reaching you as easy as possible, make sure to keep your information up to date, for example when you move house. Sadly, 64% of stray dogs in rescues have out-of-date chip information. By keeping your dog’s microchip details up to date, you can help change this stat. 

Do you know which database your pet is registered with?

Bringing a new dog home is super exciting – it’s easy to get wrapped up in all the new toys and treats in those first few weeks. It’s important to remember to also get your dog registered with a local vet, book them in for their vaccinations, and to update their microchip details. During this transition period, it’s really important, and a legal requirement, that you update the microchip information to your own details, and continue to do so should you move home. Unfortunately, in many cases of stray pets, the microchip shows the pet as still registered with the breeder or the first owner and sometimes has no information at all making it harder to reunite lost pets with their loved ones.

It is also really important that you ensure that your microchip is registered with a DEFRA-approved database. This not only makes sure that your personal information is securely stored but also ensures that should your pet ever go missing a vet, warden or rescue will be able to get in contact with you. If you’re unsure of where your information is stored, reach out to your vet.


Keeping your microchip details up to date

You’re fully in control of your microchip information. There are now 18 DEFRA-approved microchip databases and you can choose where your information is stored. Our friends at PetDatabase.com offer free updates for life, plus they provide a really simple and 100% secure switching service.  

What you can enjoy with PetDatabase.com:

  • Free updates, for life
  • Quick, safe and secure
  • Free lost pet service
  • ‘Safety Ping’ alerts whenever your chip is scanned
  • No boring admin, they manage the transfer for you

Is your pet at risk of heartworm?

In many countries across the world, the word “heartworm” is enough to make vets and pet owners shudder. This potentially fatal parasite has infected pets all over the world. While mosquitoes don’t carry infections in the UK, that doesn’t mean our pets are off the hook from heartworm. With the numbers of people and their pets travelling internationally picking up since Covid AND significantly increased numbers of pet adoption outside the UK, our pets are all but safe from heartworm infection. So if you’re travelling abroad with your pet or have adopted them from a warm climate, keep an eye out for Heartworm. 

What is heartworm?

Heartworm is the general term used to describe infection with the parasitic worm Dirofilaria immitis. This worm makes its home within the heart, as well as the blood vessels in the heart and lungs. 

*While heartworm can have a similar end location and clinical signs as lungworm (Angiostrongylus in dogs, Aelurostrongylus in cats), these are different parasites and have differing life cycles. For more on lungworm, check out our lungworm blog!

How do pets get infected with heartworm?

Unlike many of our other common worms, heartworm is NOT TRANSMITTED DIRECTLY from pet to pet via faeces. Heartworm is spread via mosquito bite. A mosquito bites an infected animal and consumes the blood containing intermediate heartworm larvae. The mosquito then moves to take its next blood meal from another pet and transmits the larvae into this animal’s bloodstream. The larvae mature and travel to the heart/lungs where adult heartworms make themselves at home and begin causing problems.

What are signs my pet might be infected with heartworm?

Signs of heartworm infection can range from mild to severe. It may be as simple as lethargy or decreased appetite. More severe signs can include vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, exercise intolerance, and even collapse. These clinical signs are a result of damage to the heart and vessels from adult heartworms. In cases of advanced untreated infection, pets can die from this dangerous parasite.

Can my vet test my pet for heartworm?

Absolutely! There are a few ways your vet can test for heartworm, all primarily via blood. The simplest version is a test looking for heartworm antigen in the blood. This means the lab is looking for evidence of what heartworm produces that the immune system responds to. If this comes up positive, then another fresh blood sample is submitted looking for microfilariae in the blood. Microfilariae are the immature larval form of heartworm that float freely in the bloodstream. 

Oftentimes, x-rays of the chest are also performed looking for enlargement of the heart and pulmonary blood vessels to help determine how advanced the infection may be. 

Can heartworm be treated?

Heartworm can be treated, but it is a majorly time consuming and costly process. The treatment regimen also comes with risks. Pets that are positive for heartworm are treated with injections of a strong adult worm immiticide deep in the muscles of the back. They must also be placed on steroids to decrease the inflammation that the body will create in response to the major killing off of the worms. In addition, pets are placed on an antibiotic to kill the bacteria Wolbachia, which is released by heartworms into the blood when they die. Lastly, pets are also placed on monthly heartworm preventatives as a part of the treatment protocol. Pets are required to be restricted to a cage or small confined space during treatment, as exerting activity like playing or running may exacerbate release of dead worms that travel into the lungs and block small blood vessels. 

Help! What can I do as a pet owner?

We can’t emphasize enough how important year round consistent parasite prevention is. Prevention is always better than treatment, especially in the case of heartworm. Particularly, if you have adopted a pet from another European country OR if you are traveling internationally with your pets from the UK, it is important to ensure these animals are tested for heartworm and on the appropriate prevention. A negative test is recommended prior to beginning regular prevention.

Fortunately, most of the prescription preventatives/treatments that cover LUNGWORM will also cover HEARTWORM, so if you are using a monthly treatment that gets lungworm it’s likely your pet is also protected against heartworm. That being said, it is important to check the product label to see if the drug is licensed to prevent maturation of Dirofilaria immitis. These preventatives must be given every 4 weeks consistently year round to be effective. Missing one dose in areas endemic for heartworm can result in infection. 

VetBox Top Tip: 

Once again our favorite theme rings true, consistent responsible parasite prevention is essential for healthy pets! 

Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS

Signs your pet has FAD (Flea Allergy Dermatitis):

We all know that fleas are irritating and unpleasant, and we’ve talked about the number of diseases they can carry. But did you know that your pets can also be allergic to flea saliva? This condition is called flea allergy dermatitis, or FAD for short. Is your pet extra sensitive to fleas? Let’s talk about the key points with pets affected by FAD. 

What is FAD?

Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) is a hypersensitivity in pets caused by an overreaction of the immune system to flea saliva. In essence, pets can be “allergic” to flea saliva. Fleas’ favourite places to bite are around the head and base of the tail so cats and dogs may have allergic reactions in these areas causing redness, scabbing, inflammation and hair loss. There is often this characteristic pattern, but pets can be itchy anywhere on the body. Often, the changes are mild and can be resolved with treatment alone. But in some cases, the reaction is more severe. Strict monthly flea prevention is essential to avoid uncomfortable reactions. 

There is another secondary issue caused by FAD. When pets itch, bite and chew the skin, the normal skin barrier which acts as a protectant from the environment is broken. Bacteria and yeast (fungi) that normally live on the skin then have the chance to overgrow, leading to secondary infection. Owners may notice crusting, pustules, discharge, bumps, etc. These infections can also cause further itching and irritation and require additional treatment. 

How to treat FAD:

Pets experiencing these severe skin changes from FAD more than likely require additional treatment from the vet. This may include oral medications like antibiotics, antifungals, antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, and immune system suppressive drugs, as well as topical treatments such as medicated sprays and shampoos. Pets who suffer from FAD may also experience other common allergies including food allergies and environmental allergies (atopic dermatitis), and may require further treatment. While pets tend to do very well with appropriate treatment, it is important to realise that the condition can become chronic if not treated quickly and appropriately. 

Top tips: 

FAD is a severe individual allergic reaction to saliva after a flea bite. These pets can be extremely uncomfortable as a result of the skin irritation secondary to the allergy. Veterinary care to treat the fleas and secondary skin irritation/infections that can arise is typically required. Parasite prevention monthly year round is essential to achieve success and a happy non-itchy pet! 

For more information about persistent flea infestations, check out our blog “Fleas Fleas Fleas – Keep Treating Monthly and Still Seeing Fleas”. In this blog you can find more helpful tips on how to successfully treat your pets, as well as your home. 

Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS

Why prevention is always best:

We often only seek medical advice or treatment to cure our pets once they have fallen ill. 

But, like with human medicine, prevention is nearly always better than treatment as it saves you time, hassle and money in the long run. Especially when it comes to fleas and ticks as you and your pet can get seriously ill from them. We found that not enough people are choosing to prevent rather than cure so the team here at VetBox sought to change things. 

Read on to find out why parasite prevention is better than parasite treatment!

Why prevention is best:

Fleas are irritating!

Imagine feeling itchy or like something is biting you over and over but you can’t seem to get it to stop. Pets with infestations are uncomfortable and often stressed as well. 

Fleas carry diseases that can make your pet (and you) unwell

Fleas can be the source of diseases like Mycoplasma and Bartonella in cats, and historically were known to be carriers of human diseases like the bubonic plague and typhus (yuck!). Fleas also are known to carry the species of tapeworm Dipylidium, and pets that ingest infected fleas will often develop the GI tapeworm. 

Ticks ALSO carry diseases that can make you and your pet unwell. 

While there is a long list of serious tickbourne illnesses known, one major one in the UK affecting both pets and people is Lyme disease. Lyme disease can cause acute illness in pets and people including fever, lethargy and joint pain. While acute disease can be managed, there are often long term health implications. 

Fleas can be challenging and time consuming to get rid of. 

All pets in the house will need to be treated monthly for at least a few months. You also have to clean the house multiple times to break the flea life cycle. 

Just because you don’t SEE fleas, doesn’t mean they aren’t or haven’t been there. 

Fleas are small and quick. Even just a few adults can cause irritation or spread disease. Females can lay 40 eggs each per day! Eggs can be seen with the naked eye but are even harder to spot. 

Some pets are actually allergic to flea saliva, and prone to a condition called flea allergy dermatitis. 

These pets have a more severe reaction to even just a single flea bite! FAD can cause major redness, hair loss, skin infections, and pain for your pets. While regular flea prevention is important for all pets, for those suffering from FAD it’s a must!

Costs of treatment for flea or tick borne disease can be immense and ongoing.

Flea and tick prevention will always be more cost effective for owners over treating existing disease. 

Owner costs at the vet for severe cases of flea allergy dermatitis can easily reach several hundred pounds per trip, and in more serious cases like cats sick from Mycoplasma or dogs that acquire Lyme disease, treatment costs easily can reach the thousands of pounds range. 

For more information about prevention, you can contact VetBox’s friendly support staff to help!

Periodontal Disease:

Dental disease is the most common diagnosis in dogs and cats over one year of age. Over half of pets are noted to have dental calculus (tartar) on their yearly physical examinations, and that percentage increases with age. Disease in the mouth doesn’t stop at whether the crowns of your pets teeth are clean and white, in fact, it can go much deeper. Let’s immediately jump to a huge dentistry concept and why it’s essential pet parents are in the know!

The most appropriate term used by vets is PERIODONTAL DISEASE

What is PERIODONTAL disease? 

Periodontal disease refers to the issues that arise associated with not just the tooth itself, but just as importantly, the structures that surround and support the tooth. This includes structures like the gingiva (gums), the periodontal ligament (connective tissues that hold the tooth in the socket), and even the alveolar bone (bone that meets the ligament in the skull). Approximately 50-60% of the entire tooth structure is located UNDERNEATH the gum tissue.

How does periodontal disease start?

Bacteria in the mouth release a “biofilm” which calcifies on the crown surface. This begins to form what we know as “tartar” or dental calculus. These bacteria also stimulate the local immune system and cause inflammation along the gumline. If this process progresses and bacteria continue to cause calculus formation and inflammation, these changes begin to work their way under the gingiva and start to affect tissue essential for tooth attachment. With time, the periodontal ligament and surrounding alveolar bone can become inflamed, infected, broken down and even abscessed to necrotic. 

Why is dental care important for our pets?

Periodontal disease is a common source of pain and infection in our pets that even the best intentioned pet owners can miss. Many pets continue to eat and act normally until the problem is so severe, that teeth need to be extracted. I’ve seen pets with teeth that are actually rotting out of the animals mouth and the pet is still eating. It’s incredible what our pets will persist through. These teeth can not only be extremely painful, but can also act as a source of infection and bacterial spread to the rest of the body, particularly for pets with other existing conditions like cardiac (heart) disease. 

How do I help provide the best care for my pets mouth?

Regular visits to your vet are important to get a look at the inside of your pet’s mouth. The best way to evaluate your pet’s overall oral health is with what’s called a COHAT (Comprehensive Oral Health Assessment and Treatments). This involves the same general process with what humans get at the dentist including an examination, full mouth dental x-rays, a full scaling/polishing, followed by any specialty treatments needed. Because our pets don’t like to allow us to look in their mouths, this is all done safely and effectively under general anesthesia by your vet. Some pets may only require a dental cleaning every few years, while others may build up tartar so quickly a cleaning is required every 6-12 months. 

NOTE: This process is completely different from what is referred to as “non-anesthetic” dental cleanings. Non-anesthetic dental cleanings are not recommended by vets for several reasons including safety/stress of the pet, the lack of assessing over half of the tooth structure (what’s under the gums), and the inability to smooth out the tooth surface after hand scaling type removal of tartar – leaving MORE grooves in the teeth for tartar to re-adhere to. 

Home care is just as important to keeping your pets mouth a happy place. The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) website provides an extensive list of safe and effective home care products, including treats that are safe for teeth. Home care should not replace full dental cleanings at the vet when indicated, but instead should be in support of/in addition to. Home care can include: 

  • Teeth brushing with pet safe toothpaste/toothbrush
  • Dental treats
  • Dental health foods, both over the counter or prescription
    • Hills Prescription Diet t/d tends to be a winner for me in both dogs and cats! 

To check out some of these veterinarian recommended products and tips, visit the Veterinary Oral Health Council Website: http://www.vohc.org/

A happy, healthy mouth is absolutely essential when it comes to ensuring your pets best possible life. Between home care, and using your vets expertise to know when full cleanings are warranted – we’ve come a long way in treating periodontal disease! 

Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS

The parasites you can’t see…

Most pet owners know about the common parasite offenders including fleas, ticks, and roundworms. These are the parasites that most commonly afflict our beloved pets and can be seen with the naked eye. But what about the parasites you CAN’T see? Did you know there’s a whole host of parasites that can affect your pet that you won’t be able to see without a microscope?

In today’s blog, we’re going to cover some important facts about MITES in dogs & cats.

What exactly is a mite?

Mites are a class of parasites not so distantly related to spiders and ticks. They prefer to burrow into the skin and cause irritation. Typically these small parasites can’t be seen without taking a sample from the skin and looking under the microscope. Mites are the cause of what many people refer to as mange, a condition classified by itchy, red skin. 

How would my pet get mites?

Most mites are directly transmitted from pet to pet, and are species specific. This means that mites typically have a preferred host (dog vs. cat vs. rabbit, etc). Mites may also be found and contracted from the environment.

What are signs my pet might have mites?

Pets with mites are often itchy! They can also experience hair loss, dry/scaly skin, redness, and irritation of the skin where mites have made their home. 

Are there different kinds of mites?

There are several different species of mites that can affect our dogs and cats. Each of these behave a bit differently, and can cause different clinical signs. 

  • Demodex: These mites like to bury themselves deep within the layers of the skin, particularly in association with hair follicles. Demodex is actually considered a NORMAL flora (normal organism) of the skin, however in patients that experience stress to the immune system, Demodex can overgrow and cause redness, hair loss, and dry skin. This is a common issue in young pets coming from rescues/shelters. Interestingly, pets with Demodex are often NOT VERY ITCHY! This differs from other mites. 
  • Sarcoptes: Also known as “scabies”, sarcoptes mites like to make their home in the superficial layers of the skin. Animals with scabies are typically VERY itchy! These pets can experience severe hair loss, redness, scaling, and irritation. 
    • *Note: Scabies also has the potential to be ZOONOTIC, meaning people can be infested with sarcoptes as well!*
  • Cheyletiella: This mite is also known as “walking dander”, because unlike our other mite species, owners may be able to see these mites on the skin. Cheyletiella mites can often be found on top of the skin wandering between hairs and resemble flakes of dry dead skin. Pets can be itchy and scratch frequently in response to infestation with this mite. 
  • Otodectes: This may be the mite that most owners have heard of. Otodectes is a common cause of itchy, red, waxy ears in pets. These mites prefer the nice dark hiding spot to set up their home in the skin of the pinna (ear flap) and deep down into the ear canal. Ear mites are common in dogs/cats coming from rescues/shelters and have previously spent lots of time outdoors. 

How are mites treated? Can you prevent them?

Mites can be treated with a variety of options. These include medicated shampoos, medicated ointments, spot on parasite treatments/preventatives, and even oral parasite treatments/preventatives. Treatments are safe and effective, and should be used under direction of your vet. 

VetBox Top Tip: 

Prevention and awareness are always best! Keeping your pet on tailored, appropriate, regular parasite prevention is recommended by the British Small Animal Veterinary Association and the European Scientific Council for Companion Animal Parasites. 

Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS


Zoonosis is the term used to describe diseases that can be passed from animals to people. I think in general people are aware that this can happen, but we don’t believe people realize the vast number of zoonoses actually out there. In many circumstances these diseases seem foreign or far away, but the reality is there are several of these that have the potential to be in your back garden, or even your home. The purpose of this is not to overwhelm pet owners, but to make people aware of these potential risks so that we can prevent problems before they arise. 

Let’s start by reviewing some parasites that humans can contract from their pets:

Parasite causes:


Roundworms in dogs and cats are one of our most common parasites. These species can however, if introduced to the human GI tract by kisses from your furry family member, can develop and migrate to other organ systems and cause issues. 


Similar to their roundworm counterparts, hookworms also don’t mind infecting people. These pesky creatures are known to cause the condition visceral larval migrans (larvae migrate to other organs in the body like the brain or the eye) and cutaneous larval migrans (larvae migrate just under the skin). This can cause serious consequences especially in young children.


Most tapeworms tend to be species specific, i.e. they prefer one main host like a dog or a cow. That being said, the flea spread tapeworm Dipylidium can infect humans and mature in the gut. Additionally, immature Taenia spp. tapeworm life stages can be found in raw or undercooked meat, meaning if you or your pet consumes these, risk for tapeworm infection is possible. 

One to note in this category is the species Echinococcus. This nasty tapeworm is the culprit behind hydatid cyst disease. While the dog is it’s preferred host, both humans and sheep can act as intermediate hosts and develop potentially life threatening cysts within the body full of immature tapeworms.

Scabies (mange): 

Dogs and cats can develop infestations with two major types of mites, including Demodex and Sarcoptes. While Demodex spp. Are not contagious, humans may become infected by Sarcoptes mites, leading to itching and severe skin irritation. 

Bacterial causes:

Lyme disease: 

This is most commonly recognized as a tick borne disease, however the symptoms are caused by a bacteria called Borrelia burgdorferi. Borrelia can cause severe clinical signs in ourselves and our pets. 


Cat scratch fever is actually caused by a bacteria. This can cause infected cats to develop fever and other signs, and can be transmitted to humans via cat scratch.

Salmonella, E. coli, and Campylobacter:

These are all bacteria that are not only a potential risk of causing GI problems if they infect humans/pets consuming raw or undercooked meats, but they can also be spread via the feces of pet bird species (including chickens).

Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: 

Similar to lyme disease, RMSF is also spread by ticks and is caused by the bacteria Rickettsia rickettsii. This can cause rash, fever, headache, lethargy, etc. and can be serious. While uncommon in the UK, travellers coming back from Europe should be aware of ticks abroad.

Leptospirosis species

Leptospirosis spp. are a group of bacteria that are spread via the urine of affected animals, including dogs. If urine of an infected animal gets into the mucus membranes of another (eyes, mouth, nose) then clinical disease may occur. Signs of leptospirosis infection in dogs are typically general including lethargy, vomiting, fever, increased drinking or urination, and decreased appetite. Elevations in kidney or liver values on bloodwork are a concern as these organs are the target. Leptospirosis is currently uncommon in the UK, but is being diagnosed and is a disease you don’t want to get to know. *See later note on vaccinations in dogs*

Coxiella burnetii

The causative agent of Q fever, Coxiella is shed in urine, feces, milk, and birth fluid of ruminants (sheep primarily) and can then be spread to humans to cause a range of signs including fever, cough, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. 

Fungal causes:


Dermatophytosis, better known as ringworm, is a fungal infection of the top layers of the skin. Canine and feline dermatophytosis is extremely common, especially in shelter/rescue scenarios because of large animals in close proximity. Puppies and kittens are often the source in humans soon after adoption. Ringworm can be spread between animals and to humans via direct contact or by contaminated surfaces. 

Protozoal causes: 

Giardia spp.

While most species of this protozoal organism tend to be species specific in terms of who they like to infect, it’s important to keep in mind that people can technically still become infected with Giardia from their pet. Giardia is a faecal “parasite” that comes from the faeces of another infected animal. More commonly people and pets become infected from the same contaminated water source containing faecal material while out hiking or camping. This is a common cause of vomiting and diarrhea in pets.

Toxoplasma gondii:

Many people have heard of Toxoplasma but don’t realize it. This is the organism that causes people to warn pregnant women to not scoop the litter box. Toxoplasma is transferred via cat faeces. Cats may show clinical signs of illness including neurologic problems, but they can also pass oocysts asymptomatically. If this parasite makes its way into humans, problems with the fetus in pregnant women may arise. A good excuse to make your non-pregnant partner scoop the box! 

While this list is nowhere near exhaustive, (think many, many more), it does list some of the more common diseases we see, especially those parasites that like to infest our companion animals. This reminds us why regular targeted parasite prevention is extremely important. It helps keep not only our pets safe, but ourselves and our families healthy too. Checking with a vet to ensure your pet is appropriately vaccinated is equally essential, particularly in the case of leptospirosis. Vaccination will not prevent exposure, but it will lessen the likelihood of developing severe disease as well as hopefully decrease the amount of bacteria shed. Not all zoonotic diseases can be kept at bay with parasite prevention or vaccination, which is why education and good personal hygiene associated (hand washing) with animal handling is a must.

What next: 

Making sure your pet is appropriately wormed and vaccinated for your/their lifestyle and location is an ESSENTIAL part of keeping our community healthy; pet and owners alike! 

For more information on significant parasites and zoonotic diseases, check out the following resources: 

European Scientific Council for Companion Animal Parasites


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control 


Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS

The scoop on Ringworm

There are more than a few organisms out there that can be passed from pets to people. One we often forget is the fungi better known as “ringworm”. Also referred to as dermatophytosis, ringworm can be spread from animals to people in addition to person-person and animal-animal transmission. On today’s blog we’re going to go over the most important things pet owners should know about ringworm.

What exactly is ringworm?

Even though it’s most widely known as a “worm”, ringworm is actually caused by infection with a fungus. 

Ringworm in pets is caused by one of two species; Microsporum canis or Trichophyton mentagrophytes. Both of these are zoonotic which means they can also infect humans. 

How do pets get ringworm?

Ringworm may be spread in several ways, but most commonly is by direct contact with an infected animal or infection from contamination in the environment. 

Ringworm is a major environmental concern, as the fungus can remain viable on fomites (inanimate objects that carry an organism) such as kennels, blankets, toys, etc. for several months. 

Ringworm is more common in young and immunocompromised animals, particularly those coming from high volume animal situations such as shelters, rescues, etc. These areas are more high risk because animals are housed close together and in confined spaces. This is why ringworm is particularly common in kittens, as young litters are often kept together in the same confined space.

What does ringworm look like in pets? In people?

Typically pets will experience areas of hair loss with scaling/crusting. It may or may not also be red at the site. Sometimes lesions are so mild hardly any changes are noticeable.

Pets with ringworm may or may not be pruritic (itchy). 

While ringworm can be seen anywhere, the most common locations where lesions are seen include the head/face and limbs/feet.

People often get the more classic “ring like” lesion on their skin, but it may be as simple as a red circular areas. The lesions are also typically itchy, but do not have to be.

Can it be treated? 

Ringworm can absolutely be treated, though it takes diligence on everyone’s part. Lesions on animals may be treatable with topical therapy alone including antifungal ointments and/or medicated fungal bathes. These are safe and effective, but can be challenging to do for cats. Oral antifungals may also be used for more severe cases. 

Treatment often needs to be continued for several weeks.

  • Treating the environment is just as important. 
      • Ideally infected pets should be quarantined for the first few weeks of treatment to an easily cleanable area such as a bathroom/laundry room. This will localize any shedding of fungal spores. These rooms also have surfaces that are easily bleached. Ringworm in the environment is very susceptible to bleach based cleaners.
      • Clean any areas possible with an appropriately diluted bleach based cleaner.
      • Vacuum carpeted areas. 
      • Wash any common bedding/blankets that your pet has come in contact with in hot water.
      • Wearing long sleeves and gloves when handling your pet, as well as good hand hygiene are also essential to decreasing chances of becoming infected yourself. 

Can it be prevented?

Avoiding exposure all together is unlikely, so good hygiene and environmental management is key in these cases. While this also falls on breeders, rescues, etc., it is important for pet owners and new adopters to be on the lookout for signs of ringworm. 

Healthy adults are at low risk of infection, unless spores have access to an open scratch/wound. Those at higher risk include the elderly, children, and immunocompromised individuals.

What should I do if I think I have it?

If you believe you have ringworm, please do not ask your vet for treatment. Contact your doctor at your local GP surgery to schedule a consultation or to get recommendations. 

Does my pet have osteoarthritis?

Is your pet slowing down? We hear pet owners say this often, especially as our pets age. While we understand that some changes are inevitable with age, “slowing down” isn’t necessarily a normal change for our pets. Often the changes that pet owners see are actually caused by pain. The most common source of this pain is osteoarthritis. In this blog, we are going to talk about some key points for pet owners when it comes to keeping our pets with osteoarthritis as pain free as possible!

Why “slowing down” isn’t normal….

In many cases, this slowing down owners see is because of the chronic pain associated with osteoarthritis. These may be signs your pet is uncomfortable:

  • Decreased activity and sleeping more
  • Decreased appetite
  • Difficult with using the stairs
  • Hesitance/refusal to jump on/off things
  • Taking more time to get up/lay down
  • Behavioural changes – like not following you around

How does osteoarthritis cause pain?

The primary instigator of pain in pets with arthritis is inflammation. As cartilage becomes worn and more irregular, the forces acting in the joint space change. This wearing will cause progressive damage to the cartilage, which normally acts as a cushion with lubricant to help the joint move. When these features become diminished, abnormal force is applied within the joint and inflammation and joint capsule thickening occurs. Sometimes the surface of the bone itself can become irregular, form new bone fragments, and contribute to pain. 

What sorts of things predispose pets to developing osteoarthritis?

Being overweight is the most common contributor to developing arthritis in our furry family members. Excess weight adds extra pressure on the joints meaning more wear and tear over time. Certain breeds may be affected at higher incidences due to commonly bred joint conformation abnormalities such as hip dysplasia in large breed dogs (retrievers, shepherds, etc.). Prior trauma is another contributor. A common example of this is dogs that have torn their cruciate ligament in their knee. Because of the change in forces overtime, even if surgical repair is performed, these dogs are at higher risk for arthritis later on. Diet, types of routine exercise, and gender may also be contributing factors.

Don’t forget our kittens!

Cats often get forgotten in the world of arthritis, as older dogs tend to more overtly show signs of potential pain. Osteoarthritis is a major problem in overweight and older cats, and is frequently missed by owners. Cats may show the same “slowing down” type changes as dogs, but even things as simple as sleeping more might indicate pain. Sometimes older cats will urinate/defecate outside the litter box because it’s too painful for them to get into the box to go! It’s important to remember that cats are commonly affected by arthritis and may need joint support too.

How can I tell if my pet has osteoarthritis?

In conjunction with some of the signs at home mentioned above, a trip to the vet can help determine if your pet is suffering from joint disease. Your vet can check joint range of motion, look for pain on exam, and take x-rays to see if there are any visible changes to the bone itself. Sometimes x-rays may look relatively normal, but osteoarthritis is still present as inflammation itself is not necessarily seen on imaging. 

What can we do to support our pets joints and manage pain?

A few ways we can help support healthy joints earlier in life is by keeping pets at an ideal body weight, maintaining a regular exercise routine, and starting them on a joint supplement with glucosamine and chondroitin. In fact, we are more likely to support happy joints the EARLIER we start (i.e. before there are clinical signs of possible pain). This is particularly true for our larger breeds of dogs. 

As osteoarthritis becomes more progressive, with the help and expertise of your vet, the following may be used to help with joint disease:

  • Maintaining an ideal to just below ideal body weight to take additional pressure off the joints.
  • Monitoring daily behaviours at home and keeping a journal to better track any changes, especially if changes are becoming more frequent or worsening.
  • Regular low impact exercise is key, keep them moving!
  • Consider short daily walks, passive range of motion therapy, and water or hydrotherapy.
  • Anti-inflammatory and pain medications from the vet.

Don’t be scared of this one! If done responsibly and monitored appropriately by your vet, adding daily medication can significantly improve your pets pain and quality of life!

NOTE: HUMAN PAIN MEDICATION IS NOT SAFE FOR DOGS/CATS. Speak with your vet to determine if veterinary safe pain management is warranted.

Joint supplements can be excellent, and some of the following are used often:

  • Products that contain compounds such as glucosamine and chondroitin. 
  • Products that contain green lipped mussel.
  • Products that contain omega three fatty acids. 
  • Joint supportive diets, particularly prescription joint diets as these are specifically formulated to target joint health.  
  • Holistic therapies including physical therapy/chiropractic sessions, laser therapy, acupuncture, etc.

We’ve come a long way in managing joint pain in our dog and cat patients over the years, and pet owners are becoming more aware of the signs. This means we’re all on the right track to keeping our pets as comfortable and healthy for as long as we can!

Dr. Kirsten Ronngren, DVM MRCVS

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